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What’s With All the Movie Mathematicians?
September 22, 2015
T. Hugh Crawford, a professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, commented on the rise of movies featuring solitary geniuses in Popular Science.
According to the article:
“We’re fascinated by computability,” says Crawford, who has written about science depictions in cinema. Figures such as Hawking and Turing can serve as heroes of the digital age. More important, they’re the sort of scientists who work alone, and Hollywood loves a lone wolf, Crawford says.
Published in: Popular Science
Ivan Allen Economics Degree Ranks #4
September 17, 2015
The Georgia Tech School of Economics ranks fourth in a new nationwide survey of best economics degree programs conducted by College Choice.
College Choice noted that economics is currently a very popular major with a track record of producing some of the highest salaries upon graduation of any undergraduate major. Although many economics majors go on to pursue graduate studies, the College Choice survey focused on undergraduate economic majors with a job after graduation in view. The list takes two factors into consideration: cost of attendance and salary upon graduation. According to PayScale, the average starting salary for Georgia Tech graduates is $60,700.
Published in: College Choice
Analysis: Syrian Conflict Worsens as Outside States Raise Involvement
September 11, 2015
Lawrence Rubin, assistant professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, said that the refugee crisis may push Europeans to become more involved and perhaps more supportive of U.S. actions, “but the more important game will be between the U.S. and Russia.” Read full article in Jerusalem Post
Published in: The Jerusalem Post
No One Cares That You Quit Your Job
September 9, 2015
Ian Bogost, professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, published an article in The Atlantic entitled "No One Cares That You Quit Your Job":
Making the rounds yesterday and today, yet another “why I quit academia” piece. Quitpieces, I guess we’re calling them—or I am anyway. (The term “quit lit” has also circulated, but the “lit” designator seems generous to me.) There are lots more of these, if the genre is new to you.
Guess what. Working for a living is a pain... Nobody cares that I quit finance. Or advertising, retail, technology consulting, the entertainment industry, or anywhere else I’ve worked. The trick with quitting is that you want people to throw a party for you when you do it. Quitpieces are the opposite of parties. If you're writing a quitpiece you've already lost. Everybody knows that quitters quit.
Published in: The Atlanta
Cybersecurity’s Human Factor: Lessons from the Pentagon
September 8, 2015
Distinguished Professor James A. "Sandy" Winnefeld published an article in the Harvard Business Review with co-authors Christopher Kirchoff and David M. Upton about cybersecurity in the Pentagon.
They say:
The vast majority of companies are more exposed to cyberattacks than they have to be. To close the gaps in their security, CEOs can take a cue from the U.S. military. Once a vulnerable IT colossus, it is becoming an adroit operator of well-defended networks. Today the military can detect and remedy intrusions within hours, if not minutes. From September 2014 to June 2015 alone, it repelled more than 30 million known malicious attacks at the boundaries of its networks. Of the small number that did get through, fewer than 0.1% compromised systems in any way. Given the sophistication of the military’s cyberadversaries, that record is a significant feat.
Published in: Harvard Business Review
What the Kim Davis Case Tells Us about America’s Long Middle Ages
September 8, 2015
Richard Utz, chair of the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, published an article on entitled “A clerk there was of Rowan County also…What the Kim Davis Case Tells Us about America’s Long Middle Ages.”
He says:
“Have you ever thought about the relationship between the words ‘clerk’ and ‘clergy’? ‘Clerk’ we associate with someone doing ‘clerical’ work, like Kim Davis, the Rowan County Clerk who has now been jailed for contempt of court after refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. County clerks are usually responsible for issuing various county licenses (marriage, motel, liquor, bingo), keeping records, issuing certificates of vital statistics (birth, death, marriage), computing tax extensions, and maintaining accurate county maps. ‘Clergy’ we associate with any and all religious leaders, especially those ordained for religious duties in Christian denominations.”
Published in:
American Spring: On Roots in Place and in Memory
September 7, 2015
Blake Leland, a professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, explores "the network of connections between North and South" through poetry in SaportaReport.
Published in: SaportaReport
Egypt Quietly Warms Relations with Syria in Fight Against ISIS
August 30, 2015
Lawrence Rubin, a Middle East expert from The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, told The Jerusalem Post that while Egypt and Saudi Arabia cooperate on many important regional issues like in Yemen and Iran, their policies do not exactly align over Syria.
“Since Sisi came to power, Egypt has prioritized fighting Islamic militants and crushing other forms of domestic dissent. This has meant that Egyptian foreign policy follows its domestic political needs,” said Rubin, author of Islam in the Balance: Ideational Threats in Arab Politics.
Published in: The Jerusalem Post
There Are No Perfect Nuclear Deals
August 30, 2015
Former U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn, a distinguished professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, co-authored an op-ed in Politico with former U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar about the long-term implications of the Iran nuclear deal.
They say:
Although there are no absolute guarantees, nor can there be in diplomatic accords, our bottom line is that this agreement makes it far less likely that the Iranians will acquire a nuclear weapon over the next 15 years.
Published in: Politico Magazine
Small Manufacturers Key to Building a Nation of Makers
August 29, 2015
Jennifer Clark, an associate professor in the School of Public Policy, participated on a panel with her fellow Miller Center scholars outlining recommendations for making America's small and midsized manufacturers stronger in the global marketplace. Clark discussed the need to better distribute information and training about new technologies for small manufacturers in Chattanooga Times Free Press.
"Diffusion of the latest trends back to the nation's small manufacturing base is critical," she said.
Published in: Chattanooga Times Free Press
Don't Be Snobs, Medievalists
August 24, 2015
Richard Utz, chair and professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, wrote an article for The Chronicle of Higher Education where he discusses future of medievalism as an academic field.
He argues:
"The future of the field may depend on reconnecting it to the powerful fascination among our students and the general public."
Richard Utz has taught a wide range of topics, from Geoffrey Chaucer's medieval poetry through Bruce Chatwin's postmodern prose, and his scholarship centers on medieval studies, medievalism, the interconnections between humanistic inquiry and science/technology, reception study, and the formation of cultural memories and identities.
Published in: The Chronicle of Higher Education
Who Gets Credit?
August 24, 2015
According to Inside Higher Ed, a recent study done by John P. Walsh, professor in the School of Public Policy, and Public Policy M.S. graduate Sahra Jabbehdari found that 33 percent of scholarly papers in the biological, physical, or social sciences had at least one "guest" author, or someone whose contribution did not meet some definitions for co-authorship. And 55 percent of papers had at least one "ghost" author, someone who made significant contributions but was not named.
"We are in an era of high-stakes evaluation," John Walsh said, in which professors are evaluated all the time on number of papers written, citations of those papers and so forth. Likewise departments are rated as productive (or not) based on such data. "We know authorship is important," he said. "But how do we assign credit?"Published in: Inside Higher Ed
Growing the Economy While Tackling Climate Change
August 16, 2015
Marilyn A. Brown, professor in the School of Public Policy, wrote a guest column for the SaportaReport about striking the balance between developing the economy and addressing climate change.
Since the Industrial Revolution, the atmosphere has been the world’s principal repository for carbon pollution, providing a free-for-all approach to waste management that has resulted in global climate change with serious consequences for human and environmental health.
Responding to the need for action, two major climate milestones occurred this summer.
At the federal scale, the Environmental Protection Agency released its final Clean Power Plan, regulating carbon pollution from existing power plants for the first time.
And at the local scale, the City of Atlanta released it Climate Action Plan, setting targets for Atlanta’s carbon emissions.
Published in: SaportaReport
Experts Call for Greater Scrutiny of Egg Donation Practices
August 14, 2015
Aaron Levine, associate professor in the School of Public Policy, was quoted in an article by Ob.Gyn. News about egg donation practices.
From the article:
One low-cost step to better inform a woman’s choice to donate would be to make complication rates publicly available along with the federally regulated annual success rates reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Aaron Levine, Ph.D., one of the report authors and an associate professor of public policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
“Sure, the clinics can complain it will require a little more paperwork and so on, but they should be tracking this already and if they’re not, a little nudge to track it better would be beneficial, in my view,” Dr. Levine said.
Published in: Ob.Gyn. News
Don't Hate the Phone Call, Hate the Phone
August 12, 2015
Ian Bogost, professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, discussed the decline in popularity of making phone calls in The Atlantic.
He says:
‟One of the ironies of modern life is that everyone is glued to their phones, but nobody uses them as phones anymore. Not by choice, anyway. Phone calls—you know, where you put the thing up to your ear and speak to someone in real time—are becoming relics of a bygone era, the “phone” part of a smartphone turning vestigial as communication evolves, willingly or not, into data-oriented formats like text messaging and chat apps.
Ian Bogost is the Ivan Allen College Distinguished Chair in Media Studies and professor of Interactive Computing. He also holds an appointment in the Scheller College of Business. Bogost is a contributing editor at The Atlantic. He received a Ph.D. in comparative literature from the University of California, Los Angeles. Following a career in software and videogame development, he joined the School of Literature, Media, and Communication in 2004.
Published in: The Atlantic
Rosenberger on Driving While Distracted
August 6, 2015
Robert Rosenberger, assistant professor in the School of Public Policy, discussed the phenomenon of driving while distracted with Yahoo! Parenting. Drivers are increasingly aware of the dangers of texting and driving; however, not everyone realizes how dangerous it can be to drive while performing a secondary task such as eating a sandwich, talking on the phone, or checking the GPS.
“The reality is that drivers are not really good at knowing how distracted they are,” he tells Yahoo Parenting. “It’s very normal for drivers to be overconfident about how they are able to handle driving distractions. One government survey found that most people think other people are bad at driving while talking on the phone or texting, but also everybody thinks that they are the exception to the rule. So it’s not that people don’t know it can be distracting to do these things behind the wheel, but that people think those statistics don’t apply to them.”
This debate has been triggered by a recent accident where a forty-year-old driver crashed into a brother and sister on a Michigan freeway, killing the thirteen-year-old boy and injuring the sixteen-year-old, who was driving. The driver told the police that he had been checking his GPS and eating a sandwich and didn’t notice that the traffic had stopped in front of him.
What can be done? Some argue that the goal should be changing people’s mindsets rather than stricter driving laws. Rosenberger argues that both are important.
“The law is always going to be so far behind the advancing technology, so we need a cultural shift,” he says. “Drunk driving, through the efforts of activist groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is generally accepted as a bad thing to do. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen, but people know that it’s not OK. That’s what we need with distracted driving. Right now it’s seen as something normal — it needs to be one of those things where, if someone receives a call from someone they know is driving, they don’t pick up. Or, if we’re the passenger, we won’t let the person driving have their phone.”
Unfortunately, Rosenberger says, much of society is moving in the opposite direction. “These days, companies market their cars as infotainment systems,” he says. “We think of driving as not just a task we’re trying to get done responsibly, but we believe the car is a mobile workplace where we have to get other stuff done while we’re sitting and wasting time.”
Rosenberger says all drivers need to remember one thing: Any of us could be that person checking the GPS and eating lunch. “We all should feel like that could happen to us,” he says. “We all should feel like we could be that driver.”
Robert Rosenberger’s research at Georgia Tech focuses on the analysis of the ways technologies are wrapped up in contexts of conceptualization, use, and bodily habit.
Published in: Yahoo! Parenting
As Research Teams Grow, Academic Career Prospects May Shrink
August 6, 2015
John P. Walsh and graduate student You-Na Lee of the School of Public Policy were featured by Science analyze the implications of increasing the size of academic investigations.
“Increasingly … there may be less demand for integrated scientists and more demand for highly-specialized subscientists who can participate in group research as … efficient member[s] of the team.” —John P. Walsh and You-Na Lee
Published in: Science
Sam Nunn Says Nuclear Deal Prevents Iran from Getting Weapons
July 24, 2015
Senator Sam Nunn, Distinguished Professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, appeared on the talk show "A Closer Look" on WABE to discuss the Iranian Nuclear Deal. For a long time, Nunn has maintained a keen interest in weapons and security, even going so far as to co-found the Nuclear Threat Initiative along with Ted Turner.
From what Nunn shared, the intelligence community estimated that creating a nuclear weapon will take at least a month or two.
“One of the goals of this set of discussions and agreement is to stretch that time so that they could not achieve a real weapon within that period of time, but to go to a year, at least,” Nunn said.
“Sometimes we get so involved in the details, we lose sight of what we’re really trying to achieve, and what we’re really trying to achieve is basically preventing the Iranians from getting a bomb,” he said.
Specifically, Nunn believes that this agreement will make it much harder for the Iranians to get a nuclear bomb over the course of ten or fifteen years.
The problem is that the knowledge and technology used in peaceful nuclear purposes is also used in making nuclear bombs, Nunn said.
Nunn said ultimately there are two objectives when it comes to Iran. To prevent the nation from getting a nuclear bomb and to do it without a war.
As Nunn said, "You have to ask yourself the question, 'If we turn this agreement down, what happens?'"
He says that there are two sets of risks. "One is the risk associated with the agreement. The other set of risks is what happens if this is turned down by Congress."
Sam Nunn is co-chairman and chief executive officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to reduce the risk of use and prevent the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. He served as a United States Senator from Georgia for 24 years (1972-1996) and is retired from the law firm of King & Spalding.
Published in: WABE Public Broadcasting Station
John Batchelor Show Features HSOC Professor Jonathan Schneer
July 20, 2015
Jonathan Schneer, professor in the School of History and Sociology in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech, discusses his book Ministers at War: Winston Churchill and His War Cabinet on the John Batchelor Show.
Published in: John Batchelor Show
Where Have All the Axes Gone?
July 15, 2015
Hugh Crawford, professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, published an article in The Atlantic about the transformation of lumberjacks and axes in America.
He says:
Last year was, by some accounts, the year of the lumbersexual—big beard, big plaid, big boots. Although not measured by time spent in the woods, the look’s ultimate accessory would have to be an axe.
The story of the modern axe is the story of the American felling axe. Colonists arrived with European patterns—trade axes with narrow polls and bits that curved gracefully from eye to heel. They were effective on much of the timber cut across Europe but were ultimately inadequate for the vast forests and enormous trees the settlers encountered.
Published in: The Atlantic
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